Sunday, September 26, 2010

My Fathers Life

My Dad's story is a simple one, but powerful, and life changing.  It started 25 years ago, when I was a younger man (about 10 years old). I was being mean to my brother and sister, and pop there balloons. My siblings of coarse betrayed me by creaming as if I had just shot the family dog. Now is when my life and my father's life was going to be turned upside down.

My father came out of the room and he looked like he had murder in his eyes, as he thrust forward at me and  the table was between him and I. My father flip this heavy table with one hand and it into a spun in the air like in a kung fu movie and This is when I feared for my life from the man I call father.

He grabbed me and started to beat me and out of fear I started to run to the only place a 10 year old boy could feel safe and hide, my room. On the way to the stairs hoping to find safety I felt his hand grab the back of my neck, and he beat me all the way up the the stairs. He then throw me on the bed and continued to devastate not only my body with is fist but my spirit with his anger

I spoke to my mother about this event and  when she found me she said that I was conscious, but for the life of me, I can not remember anything  from the time He was hitting me on the bed, till I seemed to awaken mental. The next thing I remember is crouched behind the Lazy Boy at my uncle's house.

Many people told my mom to leave my dad but she did not. She saw a man that could not read because of his dyslexia but he still held a job as a trucker with extraordinary tricks that he developed to make it everyday. Also he had a crippled hand from being thrown through a pain of glass as a child, and now it seem that the devil was trying to knock at his door again to take his family away, and put him into a mental hospital for the rest of his days

This was life for the next 25 years most days after he got the right medication it seem to be good, no man ever worked as hard as he did, even with the ability to read and two good hands that my father lacked. But with all the hard work and for all of his trying, that demons never seem to want to let go. Many times during those years he would tell me that he wanted to kill himself and then we go back and ajust his mediation and he'd be good for sometime, and so it was, year in and year out

Then his son came across some very unique and talented company and they were working with a new type of technology and frankly bi polar was not the reason that he was introduced to this research company

but to make a long story short this extraordinary company's research and innovation was more powerful than we could have ever imagined. and in 3 months time my father seem to be symptom free, My father's family Doctor felt that he was doing so good that he could take what was called a medication holiday to see if his was getting better. After 6 months,with the grace of God and this company he was still off his medication a I heard and saw my father for the first time giggle, yes giggle and I had never seen that in all of my life

My father became that man that I always wanted, and the husband that my mother always needed and the Man we all new he was deep down was there but now everyone could see.

So to honor my father life and the company that gave him back his life I want to give to you free of charge to anyone that asks, a free CD with the information that help us, just email me at: and it will be my pleasure to send this CD to help and let you know all that we did and why it helped

My prayer is that this story bring you hope from your fears, and life, back to your dreams

God Bless
Bud Freshour

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